Evidenced based and evolving, the Global Farm Metric framework is co-designed and tested by farmers and researchers.
Over the past seven years, desk and field research have built a body of evidence to develop the framework and demonstrate value to farmers and the wider food and farming system. Coordinated from the UK, development and farm trials have been taking place globally, including the US, Malawi and Australia.
In January 2023, the GFM released the latest iteration of the framework which has been updated to improve clarity, robustness and usefulness, both as a framework to measure the state of the farming system and as a learning resource. It will continue to be tested and refined through research, trials and stakeholder consultation.

For farmers to be a driver of positive change, they must have a shared understanding of sustainability.
Farmers are at the heart of the Global Farm Metric. A common framework enables consistent monitoring and reporting of impacts, so farmers can evidence and improve the production of nutritious food, growth of natural capital and delivery of public goods.
The framework establishes a common language to align existing metrics, including farm assessments, audits, certification schemes and management tools, around a holistic view of farm-level sustainability. Through stakeholder adoption, we are working towards reducing the duplication of data collection and confusion around conflicting information on sustainability.

Government & policy
For farming to be part of the solution to climate change, biodiversity loss and declining public health, governments must create an enabling policy environment and monitor progress at farm level.
We have been working to establish a baseline of farm level data that can be aggregated to track change at a local, national and international scale, monitoring progress towards sustainability goals and providing data for evidence-based agriculture and trade policy.

For financing the transition towards more sustainable systems, we must have a common baseline of data.
This data can be used as a basis for farm support payments, provide access to new markets and support consistent and sustainable investment by the finance and food industries.

Food business & support services
For food businesses and support services to identify and invest in more sustainable produce, holistic data must be collected at farm-level consistently.
A common language enables transparency and accountability across the supply chain. It can align food labelling and raise awareness of whole-farm sustainability, allowing stakeholders to understand and manage the risks they face more effectively and have the information they need to make more sustainable choices.
We support a healthy diversity of tools and platforms that enable more sustainable food and farming. We are working with leading service providers to align the Global Farm Metric with other data collection and reporting mechanisms to reduce market distortions and confusion.